Post what you thought about this prologue here.

Brian Jones
8/30/2008 11:55:46 am

It was pretty good I found it need more description and characterization we have to care about the the woman, and seeing as I know nothing about her as harsh as it sounds I really don't care.
I had more care for the old woman who took care of the baby in Willow who was eaten because we saw her taking care of an loving the child even though the child would never know her or the sacrifices she made for the child. We need to see that hear we need a living and breathing three dimensional character.
I'm not trying to discourage you rather challenge you!

Karyn Knight
8/30/2008 12:05:44 pm

Thanks for the comment.

This is an older prologue and I really should do a rewrite of it soon.

I think you'd like the prologue to Safe Haven better. Most people like that story the best.


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    I'm currently 19 years old and I've finished my first year of college.  Besides, writing sci-fi, I also enjoy reading, playing the piano, and listening to classical/piano rags music.

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